Sanctions & Interventions ... do they work?

I was - after watching the news- wondering about the effectiveness of sanctions and I turned once again to my preferred panel of 'experts' - ChatGPT and Google Bard. To reverse West African coups d’etat, or bring about change - do you believe sanctions (by regional organisations) work?

[ChatGPT] Sanctions - such as those announced by ECOWAS -  are one of the primary tools used by international bodies to respond to coups d'etat and other similar situations. They are designed to put pressure on the government in question by restricting trade, aid, and other forms of economic engagement. The idea is that by making it difficult for the government to function and maintain popular support, it will be encouraged to change its behaviour or policies.

A wave of coups d’état in West Africa ...

Good morning - I am trying to understand the the wave of coups d'état in West Africa in the last years and I turned once again to my preferred panel of 'experts' - ChatGPT and Google Bard.

[Google Bard] Since 2020, there have been five successful military coups in West Africa: in Mali (August 2020 and May 2021), Guinea (September 2021), and Burkina Faso (January and September 2022). In the same period, there have also been several foiled coup attempts in the region.

MINUSMA is leaving Mali

Good morning... have you heard about the end of the MINUSMA Mission in Mali?

Good morning! Yes, I have heard about the end of the MINUSMA Mission in Mali. The UN Security Council voted unanimously on June 30, 2023 to terminate the mandate of the mission, which had been in place since 2013. The decision came after the Malian government requested that the mission be withdrawn, citing concerns about its effectiveness and the safety of its personnel. The mission was hampered by a number of challenges, including the ongoing conflict in Mali, the presence of armed groups, and the lack of cooperation from the Malian government.